Nagoya Castle (Hizen Province)

Nagoya Castle (名護屋城 Nagoya-jō?) was a castle located in the old Hizen Province of Japan, now split between modern Saga and Nagasaki prefectures. The historic castle was the base from which Toyotomi Hideyoshi launched his invasions of Korea. None of the original structures remain, but the castle's ruined foundations survive in the formerly separate town of Chinzei, now part of the city of Karatsu in Saga Prefecture .

It is said that during the brief time that Hideyoshi stayed at Nagoya Castle, he memorized the shite (lead role) parts for ten Noh plays and performed them, forcing various daimyō to accompany him onstage as the waki (accompanying role). He even performed before the Emperor[1].

A museum dedicated to the history of Japanese-Korean relations and related subjects is associated with the castle and located nearby[1].

See also


  1. ^ Ichikawa, Danjūrō XII. Danjūrō no kabuki annai (團十郎の歌舞伎案内, "Danjūrō's Guide to Kabuki"). Tokyo: PHP Shinsho, 2008. p140.

External links

Media related to [// Hizen Nagoya Castle] at Wikimedia Commons